Release stress, tension & anxiety
Reconnect to resilience and ease
As the pace of modern life increases, so too do levels of stress and anxiety.
The world seems to demand constant connectivity and engagement, a demand our nervous systems are yet to adapt to.
Living in a constant state of activation, everyday stressors accumulate, leaving us feeling drained, disconnected, and increasingly vulnerable to the toll of burnout
When your body can’t release stress and anxiety,
this is how it can show up:
You’re awake at 1am listening to ocean sounds, counting sheep, and wondering if they can surf
Falling asleep is a struggle, and staying asleep seems impossible, leaving you feeling exhausted day after day.
You keep shouting at your kids or picking fights with your partner
Small annoyances set you off, and your mood fluctuates more than usual, affecting your relationships and well-being.
You catch colds really easily
You seem to get sick more often, indicating your body is under significant stress.
You’re always tired, even before you get out of bed
Even after a full night's sleep it feels like no amount of rest can recharge you.
“I don’t want to do ANYTHING”
What used to excite you now feels dull, and finding the motivation to engage with work or hobbies has become increasingly difficult.
People suck
Activities and gatherings you once looked forward to now feel draining, and you prefer to spend more time alone.
You mentally script and prepare for arguments that never actually happen
Your worry about everyday interactions far exceeds the actual issue and becomes hard to manage.
You can’t focus and your browser is filled with hundreds of tabs on “ways to concentrate”
Focusing on tasks feels overwhelming, and your mind seems foggy, affecting your productivity and confidence.
Stress is not just in the mind.
We now know that 'the body keeps the score'.
Stress, tension and trauma are not just in our heads. We store them in our body.
Our bodies also hold the key to naturally releasing these; we just need to relearn how to do it.
TRE® (Tension Release Exercises) was developed by Dr David Berceli to help people cope with stress and trauma when affected by wars and natural disasters.
It’s also profoundly effective for finding relief from daily stress, anxiety, and burnout.
What TRE is (the short version)
I think TRE is one of the most powerful self-care techniques for releasing stress and anxiety.
When I first heard about TRE, I had been meditating for a few years to find calm amid some challenging times. I was sceptical that my body had anything to do with the way I felt emotionally.
But in the first session, I was amazed to discover this natural way of releasing stored tension and the immediate relief that followed.
Unlike “top-down” approaches, which start with the mind (meditation, breathing techniques, journalling, therapy), TRE works directly with your body. By activating the natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating, you can release muscular tension and calm your nervous system.
You can experience immediate benefits in just one session, or continue to practice and incorporate TRE into your self-care toolkit as needed throughout your life.
Some benefits include:
Deeper and more restful sleep
Less worry, anxiety and depression
Improved focus and concentration
Greater resilience during stressful periods
Increased personal energy for work and home
Improved recovery from physical activity or training
Better golf! (a working hypothesis … more research needed)
1:1 and group Tension Releasing Exercises
Here’s what to expect
Whether meeting in person, or online, you will be guided through a series of seven simple exercises designed to warm up the lower body's muscles and introduce some fatigue. You will then lie down and be guided through movements to activate your body's natural tremoring mechanism. These neurogenic* tremors typically start in the legs/hips but can move to other parts of the body where tension might be held.
Does that sound weird? Well yeah, it is a little. Especially when first experiencing the tremors. But most people also find it pleasant, “natural” and relaxing.
You will typically ‘shake’ for about 15-20 minutes, with breaks and guidance to deepen the experience. Afterwards, you can pause, rest, and integrate before a debrief. While one session can provide immediate results, regular practice can help to keep your nervous system regulated, allowing you to better respond to the demands of modern life.
*neurogenic - “arising in the nervous system”
If you are curious to learn how TRE can support you to release stress and anxiety, I run private and group sessions both online and in person (Portugal)
If you have any questions or would like to book a session, either drop me an email, or arrange a quick call below.
If you would like to be kept informed on upcoming events, please share your email address below.
Some kind words from people I’ve worked with
After each session with Brendan, I experienced a profound sense of peace and lightness. I felt more present in my body, and would always sleep so well.
These sessions coincided with a period of sustained intense work in my life. However, despite the workload, I did not feel stressed at all. I am confident this is thanks to the sessions with Brendan
-Julia, Lisbon
Working with Brendan I learned strategies to relieve stress that I was never aware of. This resulted in unlocking a deeper level of relaxation and reduced lower back pain
—Pip, Singapore